Update 0.1.8

- Rebalancing mobs (weak mobs on the starting planet, different races of mobs on different planets, generation of different levels of races of mobs)
- Disabled attack of mobs on the starting planet
- Reduced the power of damage from mobs
- Experimentally added a decrease in the strength of the domag depending on the distance to the target
- Disabled automatic movement to the target during the battle for players
- Added hammers for demolition of buildings (demolition of buildings is disabled for the ax)
- Added 3 new containers for storing items (for 30, 40 and 50 slots)
- Added 3 new beds (beds restore different amounts of energy)
- Added iron workbench
- The maximum amount of energy for equipment is limited to 240
- Increased equipment wear rate
- Increased fuel consumption for maneuvering in space 5 times
- Crafting iron arrows and spears moved to the workbench
- Minor fixes


SigmaWorld_0_1_8.zip 21 MB
Jan 28, 2021

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